

I can't get enough of the green river crowds, the fast fiddling, the Irish dancing, the laughter and yelling.  Ah, St. Patrick's Day.

Shauna Niequist's book Bittersweet, describes the idea of ravenous: "I think life is delicious and I want to gobble it up in big bites...So much to see, taste, touch, try, do. I can feel myself come to life, eyes open, taking everything in...I feel like life is so genuinely interesting, so much to be tasted, tried, discovered."

Exactly.  Which is why I drove to my sweet home Chicago for the dyeing of the river.  I always want to be where the people are.  And apparently where we float Shamrock Shake boats....
Green Chicago River
Shamrock Shakes
I love the crowds. But, as my friend Clay stated, sometimes all the green and North Face from the suburbs can get a little out of control. That's why I love coming back to Grand Rapids for March 17th-- to spend my night at Quinn and Tuite's. The live music is the best in West Michigan. And I was going to say nice things about the crowd, except that too many of them thought my green hair was REAL.
At Quinn and Tuite's
When you have friends that play their own Irish music, the after-party is brilliant.
I convinced my friend to play my favorite song on the penny whistle...enjoy!

I'm not sure what your plans are until next March, but we'll be dreaming of our next gathering of green...
The Green Room


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