
What Defines My Days

I'm entering into the season of my job that has me working most Sundays.  And so I CRAVE days "apart".  I yearn for the next vacation.  But if you follow my blog or facebook, you realize that I'm one of the most vacated people alive.

Here's my philosophy.  Vacations help me remember who I am.  I'm still desperately trying to determine how to live my daily life with rhythm despite a job of many colors and the passionate pursuit of volunteering and social excitement.

Days apart define the rest of my days. 

I love what Eugene Peterson says about sabbath and vacations in an interview he did with Peter Santucci:

Holy days are a background rhythm for your life that you fit the rest of your life into.  You don't take a day off; you take a day apart.  The Sabbath defines the rest of the days.  That's a totally different way of viewing time than our culture views it.

It's not easy.  It requires long training and persistent determination.  But ultimately it's easier to live this way than to live fragmented, crazy.

One of the things we experience when we live this way is that we become integrated without even trying. 

When people take-- to use the secular word--vacations, they slow down.  They are leisurely.  They spend their time talking.  They relax.  They find that they're capable of it.  People don't go on vacations to get integrated, but they go on one and become integrated. Integration is a by-product.  You don't go looking for it; it happens. 

The beauty is that once you experience moments like this, you can't go back to your crazy life.  You have to breathe differently. 

Bali Island

At the top of Mt. Batur (active volcano), Bali Island 
For more on my trip to Bali, Indonesia, see this post. Life-altering.


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